BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are two different types of media platforms. As stated by Wooster, "wikis are websites that allow multiple users to create, modify, and organize web page content." Blogs on the other hand are "websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog is frequently updated, include diary-type commentary, and have links to articles or other websites." Sunil Saxena lists many purposes for a wiki such as "team projects, internal communication, school lessons, meeting notes, etc." Blogs are used for a widespread of information regarding many different types of things. For example, In the Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog reading, "it was a blogger on the Check Out, after all, who first disclosed last month that Wal-Mart would stock on high definition DVDs and players using the Bluray format, rather than the rival HD DVD system" (Barbaro 2). As discussed in the reading, real people are engaging in blogs to let other consumers know what is going on in Wal-Mart's business which helps them decide if they should purchase products from Wal-Mart. "Wal-Mart says the Web site helps buyers solicit quick feedback from consumers on the merchandise. It puts real personality out there in real conversation" (Barbaro 2). Consumers want to know real opinions of people who have used a certain product beforehand, instead of wasting their own time and money on something that might not be worth it. Blogs like Wal-Mart's benefits these types of buyers because they do not have to worry if the opinions are bias or not. Wooster illustrates a few differences between blogs and wikis which are the following: "wikis have multiple authors where blogs usually have a sole author, wikis are more about sharing information and knowledge where blogs share more opinion based information, and wikis have their pages edited, commented on and added," however, blogs have posts or entries that can include comments and even responses on the posts. The importance of convergence in today's networked world allow individuals to share thoughts, opinions, and ideas. This may not sound as important than it actually is. Convergence has allowed people all around the world to learn and grow from one another opposed to solely learning in a school setting that many of us are accustomed to. Today's world is about what you know and who you know. Convergence has allowed individuals to gain more knowledge as a whole by the interactions we encounter through the use of media. These interactions can be found using media channels such as blogs and wikis. Blogs can be used for collaboration for many purposes. For example, teacher blogs can be very useful if utilized by other teachers around the world, because different teaching techniques, experiences, and advice can be shared with one another. Blogs allow teachers to incorporate diverse teaching methods in their own teaching strategies. In my opinion, wikis should include a video aspect to them as well which allow users to watch/hear information opposed to only reading it. Platforms such as YouTube exist for this purpose, however, receiving an abundance of information from just one site can be very beneficial especially if there is a time constraint on hand. Blogs and Wikis have one main thing in common which is the widespread of information they both allow users to learn from.


  1. I agree where you said "The importance of convergence in today's networked world allow individuals to share thoughts, opinions, and ideas." I strongly feel that our freedom of speech is truly achieved when we are able to share our opinions with others and not just facts. People should have a voice not only in real life but also in the virtual life as well.

  2. This is a very well-thought out and written post! Convergence has definitely allowed individuals to gain more access to knowledge and opinions from people anywhere on the globe. The teachers' blog is a perfect example. The education system varies between countries and teachers who want to share their successes and tips can do so through the ease of blogging.

    However, I feel worried because convergence will also lead to a blur between fact and opinion. The enormous amount of information on the web contains countless amount of viewpoints on a certain topic or issue and people may exploit others in promoting information that is factual when it is based on opinion without evidence.

  3. Hi Nimisha,

    Great post! Blogs are very popular in our age group. What do you think is the best way to spread growth and awareness about the positive use of wiki?


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