HW Creativity

     Technology plays a vital role in allowing us to express our creativity. As explained in The New Yorker article by Sasha Frere-Jones, Jeremy Brown, a.k.a. DJ Reset, was able to take apart songs and formulate a mashup including different vocals all by using his digital software. A mashup is generally when the vocal from one song is laid over the music from another. Sasha illustrated that "one of the thrills of the mashup is identifying two well-known artists unwittingly complementing each other's strengths and limitations." Mashups of songs and lyrics are one example of how new media fosters creativity. "Mashups find new uses for current digital technology. If there is an electric guitar of mashup, it is a software package called Acid Pro, which enables one to put loops of different songs both in time and in tune with each other." Technology enables individuals to unleash this creative side of them and play around with the features included in new media creations. An interesting point is illustrated in this article where Mark Vidler stated benefits of digital technology. He pointed out that "you don't need a distributor, because your distribution is the Internet. You don't need a record label, because it's your bedroom, and you don't need a recording studio, because that's your computer. You do it all yourself." New media has not only given us a way to explore and convey our creativity, but also has made it less costly to do so as well. It has made it easier to enable us to express ourselves whenever, however, and whatever way we want. Technology has transformed human experience in ways such as no longer being separated by time and space. Working off of massive databases eradicates barriers to our creative walls. Technology enhances creativity in different ways, mashups are just one small example. 


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