Blog: Social Networking Sites

     Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are four social networking sites with many similarities and differences. All four media platforms have different layouts that create the site's image. Although these four networking sites are each different in their own sense, they all share a common purpose. Facebook is a social networking site that is used by all age groups in today's day and age. The platform serves as place where users can update their statuses depending on what they are feeling or want people to know they are doing. Facebook allows users to post pictures and videos with captions as well where people can hit the like button or even comment back. The like button represents that the viewer has interest in your post or relates somehow. This like feature is on Twitter and Instagram as well, except on Twitter it's called a "favorite" and on Instagram it's called a "love." Facebook also enables users to create photo albums in their profile where memorable pictures/videos can be stored. Friends on Facebook have access to view other friends' photo albums. Facebook messenger allows Facebook friends to chat with one another when two or more people are on at the same time. Twitter is a social networking site that populates all the tweets of the people you following on your timeline. A tweet is a post a user creates talking about anything they like with a certain character limit for each tweet. The timeline allows you to scroll past others' tweets and favorite and/or reply back. Twitter has a retweet option which means that tweet will now be a part of your tweet thread as well. Another option is to retweet a tweet and also quote it, which means it will populate on your tweet thread but you can also add a comment to it as well. Twitter allows communication to take place whether it's through the timeline via tweets or through its DM feature. The DM feature or the Direct Messaging feature allows twitter friends to send tweets to one another and also chat about anything they'd like. Instagram also has this DM feature where groups can also be formed so multiple people can be a part of one group chat. Twitter allows followers to view each others profiles that portray the following categories: Tweets, Tweets and Replies, Media (pictures/videos that user has tweeted in the past), and Likes. The "Likes" category enables followers to view what tweets a specific user has liked. Twitter and Instagram have the privacy setting of allowing a user to either keep their profile private or public. Where for Snapchat and Facebook, you have to be accepted as a friend first in order to communicate or view each others' profile. Instagram is a media platform mainly for posting content such as pictures/videos with short and simple captions to accompany it. Instagram is used mainly to view what other people have been up to in terms of visualization or content that others display on the site. Instagram has the option to love and comment under posts as well as an "activity page" feature. The activity page allows followers to view what posts other Instagram friends of theirs have liked and how long ago they have liked that post in terms of minutes. The "Story" feature on Instagram allows a user to post a picture/video with or without a caption/effects which last up to 24 hours. Snapchat also has this story function and both platforms allow the user to see which friends have viewed the post. Snapchat is a media platform used mainly for quick communication to show friends where they are or what they are up to. Snapchat allows users to send "snaps" which are pictures or videos to their SnapFriends with a time limit, and after that time limit is over the snap disappears. Chatting through Snapchat is also a feature but those messages also disappear once you exit out of the chat unless you save the messages manually. My impression of these four social networking sites is that they are all unique in their own way, but share the goal to allow communication between people around the world no matter where one is. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are four sites that have many similarities, however, users use these platforms for different purposes which is why many people have each type of account instead of choosing one over the other. These platforms allow opinions, knowledge, inspiration, motivation, and much more to be spread easily around the world. Each one of these social networking sites serve as a form of entertainment and channel of communication. 


  1. With so many different features offered by Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, it is hard for millennials like us to choose one from these four. No wonder why the younger generation have a little world of their own in the size as little as their hand.


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